Teacher electrocuted by washing machine along with her 6-year-old son

The deaths of Diana Michelle Machado Santos da Silva, a 30-year-old teacher, and Pietro, her 6-year-old son, have been officially reported as a result of an electric shock from a washing machine cord in Brazil.

In Formosa, Timon, Maranhao state, their home was the scene of the tragic incident.


Diana witnessed her son in difficulty and hurried to assist, but she ended up getting fatally electrocuted.


Tragically, the mother and son died there as well. To ascertain the precise circumstances behind their deaths, investigations are being conducted.


Pietro was stunned, according to the local authorities, when he came into contact with an iron railing that was attached to the live cable. Diana was electrocuted while attempting to save him.


Following the incident, Timon Fire Department Lieutenant Raphaello Carvalho asked homeowners to be vigilant, identify circuit breakers in their homes, and summon emergency services as soon as possible.

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