5 months after marriage, a cheating husband inflicts HIV on a grieving wife.

After her spouse gave her an HIV infection only five months after they were married, the expectant wife is now in excruciating discomfort.


The lady who remained anonymous shared the touching tale in a post that was taken down from a dating website.

When she married her spouse in November, she disclosed that she had tested negative for HIV.

She mentioned that she confronted her husband about the affair she discovered he was having sometime in February.

The lover and he had cut off communication, and the next month she had gone for a pregnancy test along with additional tests.

She disclosed that he was taken aback when he learned she was HIV positive.


View the complete story below:


“I am in so much pain right now. I got married last year. Before marriage, I was negative and so was my husband. Just somewhere in December, my husband started seeing a young lady of about twenty-four years. He has saved her contact as Karen so I presume that’s her name.


I cautioned him about the sort Of messages he is exchanging with the lady but he got angry saying, I am reading meanings into the whole thing. He said the girl is a distant relative he met at one Of his aunties wedding in December blah blah blah and I let it slide.


Early February, I figured my husband is having an affair with the lady. I became SO a. that I had to involved his mom. After a long disagreement and misunderstanding between us, he said he is letting go of the lady which I believe he probably did. Mid Of March, I realized I was pregnant so I visited the hospital and it was confirmed that I was three weeks pregnant.


Only that I was three weeks along with my pregnancy. Just past Monday I went to have some tests and guess what, I was confirmed positive. I doubted the results so I visited another hospital and it showed the same results. I called my husband to come have his own test that instant and yes, he has it.


That was when I started weeping and begging him to tell me the truth because just before we got married in November last year, we were both negative. We went to check together Sir. We even knew we will be negative so we didn’t panic.
Sir, my husband confessed to me that very moment that it could be the girl because they have had an encounter on a few occasions plus, he didn’t use but pulled out instead. He said she isbhe only lady he has been with since we got married.

Anyway, the girl has told him the truth that she already knew she was I-OV positive that’s why she insisted he use a blah blah blah but he refused. Me I have left him in the marriage.”



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