“We are dedicated to the aspirations of Nigerians” – Speaker Abbas

Hon. Tajudeen Abass, Speaker of the House of Representatives, has emphasised the 10th House’s dedication to meeting the vital needs of Nigerians by giving top priority to law reform, electoral reform, women’s participation in politics, and participatory budgeting.


Additionally, the Speaker has stated that the 10th House is dedicated to bettering socioeconomic conditions, entrepreneurship, employment, health, and education, as well as infrastructure, citizens-focused diplomacy, institutional capacity, citizen engagement, constitutional amendment, and restructuring.


At an Abuja stakeholders meeting on the agenda for the 10th House of Representatives, Abbas made the promise.

There is no better way, in his opinion, to demonstrate that the 10th House of Representatives is prepared to address the urgent needs of those who elect them to conduct the business of the People.


According to him, the purpose of the occasion is to maintain the 10th House’s resolve to routinely contact the public as their representatives as they carry out their duty.


“You will recall that while welcoming colleagues from our short recess on the 4th of this month, I declared the 10th House as the House of the People. Indeed, my speech was aptly titled ‘In the People’s House for the People’s Mandate’. I equally promised that while it is the duty of the House to develop a Legislative Agenda for which our constituents will hold us accountable, the House would not hesitate to consult with critical stakeholders in developing the agenda to elicit their own input and areas of expectations, which is the reason we have gathered here this morning.


“We can never over-emphasize the fact that citizens’ engagement is the fulcrum of representative democracy. It is only through such engagements that legislators will become truly, the representatives of the people. To do otherwise, will amount to a democracy without the people.


“It is fitting, therefore, that the Committee on Legislative Agenda, in the course of its assignment, has convened this forum to get from citizens, what they consider the most pressing legislative need of our nation. I urge the stakeholders gathered here, to make the most use of this very important opportunity.


“Our desire is to have a legislative agenda that meets the yearnings and aspirations of citizens and with which they would use as a benchmark to evaluate and assess our performance after four years. Therefore, today’s meeting should not be seen as the usual talk shop. Consider it a critical national assignment.


“Our engagement with citizens will go beyond today’s consultation. The ‘Open NASS’ project of the 10th House of Representatives requires regular consultations with the people as we strive to return the Legislature to those who own it through regular, meaningful, and productive engagements. It equally requires lawmakers to have functional constituency offices for regular interaction with our constituents.


Speaking at the meeting, the committee’s chairman, Hon. Julius Ihonvbere, reaffirmed the committee’s commitment and noted that as the committee gathers information for a comprehensive blueprint to promote progress, prosperity, and inclusivity throughout the nation, the current period is a crucial one in the history of the country.


He said, “As the people’s representatives, we have been given the immense responsibility of determining the course of our nation’s growth by representing the 360 constituencies inside it. The Legislative Agenda is the result of countless hours, extensive consultations, and thorough research with the goal of tackling the pressing issues facing our country and grasping the numerous opportunities that lie ahead.


“Our goal for Nigeria is to create a prosperous, thriving country where each individual can realise their full potential. We picture a Nigeria with a thriving, diverse economy, first-rate infrastructure, transformative education, universal access to healthcare, and open, responsible government.


“This goal cuts beyond partisan lines and represents the aspiration of all Nigerians. Our goal as members of the House of Representatives is to cooperate, work with other branches of the government, and interact with stakeholders to foster an atmosphere where all Nigerians can exercise their full capacity for creativity and productivity.

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