Relationship requires communication and vulnerability from both parties – Simi

Nigerian singer, Simi has thrown light on the importance of communication in a relationship.
Love requires vulnerability, compromise, and sacrifice, speaking on a recent interview Zero Conditions Podcast, Simi highlighted the importance of commitment in a relationship stating that it takes two, three, or four. I don’t know what we’re doing these days. But the point is, it definitely takes more than one person; it takes a village.


Good communication helps partners stay connected and resolve their differences, Simi continued; a relationship cannot succeed with only one person putting in the effort, regardless of how hard they try, relationships require vulnerability, compromise, and sacrifice from both parties.


“I have a take; one person cannot make a relationship work. I don’t care how many prayers you pray, how hard you work, or how much therapy you do. If one person is the only one investing in the relationship, the relationship is not working; it can never work  because it takes two; that’s the point of a relationship.


According to simi “I think there should be great communication; if you don’t have great communication, it won’t work, even if you love that person. Communication is hearing someone and hearing what they’re saying. And even if you disagree, you’re meeting it with love and compassion. Because you’re not always going to be on the same page, you’re going to disagree, and sometimes you can’t stand that person, but you love them enough to find your way back to the same page”.


“Love requires vulnerability, compromise, and sacrifice, but it has to be in an ‘I know that I have to put part of myself down in this relationship, but I don’t want to be doing it myself’ type of way”, Simi added.


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