Drama as all Ward executives in Abia dumps PDP

The entire Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) executive committee in Bende Local Government Area, Abia State’s Item Ward C, has submitted their resignation.



A letter delivered to the PDP chairman in Bende and copied to the state and acting national chairs of the party announced the mass resignation.



Francis Eke Okoye, the ward chairman, resigned, citing a key cause of departure that was long-standing disagreements with the party’s national leadership.


The executives conveyed their disgust over what they perceived as “activities and disorderliness” within the PDP at the national level, believing that these actions undermined the party’s principles and goals.


Their stated support for Rt. Hon. Cosmos Ndukwe, a former PDP presidential candidate who just resigned from the party, is adding to the political turmoil.


“Some stakeholders of PDP Item ward C resolved as follows in a meeting held today, April 30, 2024, at the Party secretariat,” the letter stated. It was signed by the entire executive of the Peoples Democratic Party, Item ward C.


“That we are appalled by the behaviour and chaos within the Peoples Democratic Party’s national leadership.”


“That we now formally affirm our unwavering trust and backing for our leader, Rt Hon. Cosmos Ndukwe, who recently tendered his resignation from the party.”


Therefore, in support of our leader, Rt Hon Cosmos, we therefore present our resignation from the Peoples Democratic Party.


“We express our gratitude to the leadership of the local, state, and federal governments for this opportunity.”


Ndukwe’s exit had a big impact on the ward leaders’ decision to step down, suggesting a potential realignment of political allegiances in the area.


Given the PDP’s historical stronghold in Abia State, this widespread resignation may portend a deeper problem inside the organisation.


With so many important ward leaders leaving, the party’s grassroots mobilisation efforts may be weakened, which could have an impact on how well it does in the next elections.


The PDP’s upper echelons have not yet issued an official statement in reaction to this widespread resignation. The party’s upper leadership’s silence could be a sign of internal discussions over how to handle this unexpected problem and stop more division inside the organisation.


Ahead of the upcoming election cycle, political observers speculate that this might be a part of a bigger trend of political realignment.


There are others who think that the unrest inside the PDP’s national leadership may lead to similar actions being taken by party members around the nation.

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